- Journal Name: Trends in Biosciences Research
- Short Name: TBR
- ISSN(Print) : xxxx-xxxx
- ISSN (Online) : xxx-xxxx
- Frequency : Semi-Annual
- Nature: Print and Online
- Submission: Via OJS System
- Languages of Publication: English
- Review Type: Double Blind Peer Review
Archiving Policy
1. Introduction
Trends in Biosciences Research is committed to ensuring the long-term preservation, accessibility, and discoverability of its published content. This Archiving Policy outlines the measures taken by the journal to ensure that all articles are securely archived and made available for continued access by researchers, academics, and practitioners in the biosciences field.
2. Digital Archiving
To ensure the longevity and accessibility of the journal’s content, all articles published in Trends in Biosciences Research will be archived in reputable digital repositories and long-term preservation systems. These include:
- LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe): A distributed digital preservation system that ensures content is archived across multiple locations to protect against data loss.
- Internet Archive: A widely recognized platform for digital preservation that provides global access to archived content.
- PubMed Central: For articles related to biosciences, PubMed Central ensures their accessibility and long-term preservation for the scientific community.
- DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals): A repository ensuring open access and long-term availability of articles to a broad audience.
- Institutional Repositories: Where applicable, articles may be deposited in institutional or national repositories to meet institutional or funder requirements.
3. Backup and Redundancy
Trends in Biosciences Research ensures that regular backups of all published content are performed. These backups are stored in multiple secure locations to ensure redundancy in the case of technical failures or unforeseen events. Backup files are updated regularly to include the most recent published content.
4. Long-Term Availability
All articles published in Trends in Biosciences Research will remain freely accessible for the long term. If the journal ceases publication, all previously published content will continue to be accessible through the digital archives and repositories mentioned above.
5. Metadata Preservation
In addition to archiving full-text articles, Trends in Biosciences Research ensures that metadata (author names, article titles, abstracts, keywords, and citations) is preserved in global metadata repositories. This ensures proper indexing and discoverability of articles through search engines and academic databases, further enhancing the visibility of the journal’s content.
6. File Formats
Trends in Biosciences Research provides articles in widely accepted and sustainable file formats to ensure long-term accessibility. These formats include:
- PDF for the final, formatted version of articles.
- XML for metadata preservation and interoperability with different platforms.
- HTML for web-based access and viewing.
These formats are compatible with current and future digital systems, allowing for continued access to the journal’s content across various platforms and devices.
7. Withdrawal and Retraction
In the event that an article needs to be withdrawn or retracted (due to ethical issues, plagiarism, data manipulation, etc.), Trends in Biosciences Research ensures that a clear and visible retraction or withdrawal notice is added to the archived version of the article. The article will remain available in the archive, but the retraction or withdrawal notice will be prominently displayed.
- Retraction Notices: These notices will include the reason for retraction and will remain linked to the original article.
- Correction Notices: If minor errors are found that do not affect the validity of the article, a correction notice will be issued, and the revised version will be made available.
8. Licensing and Copyright
All articles published in Trends in Biosciences Research are made available under an open-access license, typically a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license unless otherwise specified. This ensures that readers can freely access, share, and use the articles, while properly attributing the authors and the journal.
- Copyright: Authors retain copyright over their work, but they grant Trends in Biosciences Research the right to archive and distribute their articles in digital repositories to ensure long-term availability.
9. Archiving Rights
Trends in Biosciences Research reserves the right to archive its content in additional platforms, repositories, or digital systems as necessary to ensure continued access and discoverability. Authors will be informed of any significant changes to archiving procedures.
10. Institutional and Ethical Oversight
If ethical concerns arise, such as plagiarism or data manipulation, Trends in Biosciences Research will work with the author’s institution to investigate the issue. If the article is retracted, the retraction notice will be archived alongside the original article to maintain transparency.
11. Policy Review
This Archiving Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains in line with best practices in academic publishing and digital preservation. Any updates or significant changes to this policy will be communicated to authors, reviewers, and stakeholders in a timely manner.