- Journal Name: Trends in Biosciences Research
- Short Name: TBR
- ISSN(Print) : xxxx-xxxx
- ISSN (Online) : xxx-xxxx
- Frequency : Semi-Annual
- Nature: Print and Online
- Submission: Via OJS System
- Languages of Publication: English
- Review Type: Double Blind Peer Review
Publication Ethics
1. Introduction
Trends in Biosciences Research is committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and ethical conduct in the publication process. This Publication Ethics Policy provides guidance to authors, reviewers, editors, and the journal itself to ensure the accuracy, transparency, and ethical integrity of all published content.
This policy is aligned with the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines and the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) recommendations.
2. Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
Authors submitting manuscripts to Trends in Biosciences Research are expected to adhere to the following ethical standards:
Originality and Plagiarism: Authors must ensure that their manuscript is original and has not been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Proper citation must be given to all sources, including data, ideas, or words that are not original. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism (reusing substantial portions of one's previously published work without citation), is strictly prohibited.
Data Integrity: Authors must present their research data honestly and accurately. Any manipulation, falsification, or fabrication of data is unacceptable. All methodologies and results must be transparently presented, and the data should be made available upon request.
Authorship: All individuals who have made substantial contributions to the manuscript should be listed as co-authors. All co-authors must have seen and approved the manuscript and the final version of the article.
Conflict of Interest: Authors must disclose any financial, professional, or personal conflicts of interest that could influence their research or its interpretation. This includes funding sources, personal relationships, or any other affiliations with organizations that may have a vested interest in the research.
Ethical Approval: For research involving human participants or animals, authors must ensure that appropriate ethical approval was obtained from the relevant ethics committee or institutional review board. Informed consent must be obtained from all human participants, and animal research must comply with ethical guidelines.
Acknowledgment of Sources: Authors must properly acknowledge all sources of funding, assistance, and prior work that influenced their research. All contributions must be clearly cited, and any financial support for the research must be disclosed.
3. Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
Reviewers play an essential role in maintaining the quality of research published in Trends in Biosciences Research. Reviewers must:
Confidentiality: Reviewers must treat all manuscripts as confidential documents. They should not share or discuss the manuscript or its contents with others outside of the review process without the explicit consent of the editorial team.
Impartiality: Reviews must be conducted objectively, based solely on the scientific merit of the manuscript. Personal biases, relationships with the authors, or any conflicts of interest should not influence the review process.
Timeliness: Reviewers are expected to complete their reviews within the allotted time frame. If they are unable to meet the deadline, they should notify the editorial team promptly.
Constructive Feedback: Reviewers should provide clear, specific, and constructive feedback to help authors improve their manuscripts. Reviewers should address both the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript and suggest ways to enhance the quality of the research.
Conflict of Interest: Reviewers must declare any conflicts of interest with respect to the authors or the research. If a conflict exists, the reviewer should recuse themselves from the review process.
4. Ethical Responsibilities of Editors
Editors are responsible for overseeing the entire publication process and ensuring the journal adheres to the highest ethical standards. Editors must:
Fair Evaluation: Editors must evaluate manuscripts based solely on their scientific merit, relevance to the journal’s scope, and quality of writing. Decisions should not be influenced by personal biases or relationships with the authors.
Confidentiality: Editors must maintain the confidentiality of all manuscripts, peer reviews, and related communications. Manuscripts should only be shared with authorized individuals involved in the editorial process.
Handling Ethical Issues: Editors must address any ethical concerns that arise during the peer review process, such as allegations of plagiarism, data manipulation, or unethical research practices. If an issue arises, editors will investigate the matter and take appropriate action, including rejecting the manuscript or retracting a published article.
Final Decision: Editors must make the final decision about whether a manuscript is accepted for publication, based on the reviewers' feedback and the manuscript’s quality. Editors should communicate the decision clearly and promptly to authors.
Transparency: Editors must ensure transparency in the editorial and review processes, providing authors with clear feedback and maintaining open communication.
5. Ethical Responsibilities of the Journal
Trends in Biosciences Research is committed to maintaining transparency, fairness, and accountability throughout the publication process. The journal adheres to the following principles:
Academic Integrity: The journal is dedicated to publishing only high-quality, original research. All submitted manuscripts undergo rigorous peer review to ensure they meet the journal’s standards of excellence.
Correction and Retraction: If errors, inaccuracies, or ethical violations are discovered after publication, Trends in Biosciences Research will issue corrections, clarifications, or retractions as necessary. Retractions will be clearly marked, and the reasons for retraction will be provided.
Transparency in Publishing: Trends in Biosciences Research ensures that all stakeholders (authors, reviewers, and editors) understand and follow the journal’s ethical guidelines. The journal provides clear instructions for authors on the submission, peer review, and publication process.
6. Consequences of Ethical Violations
Violations of ethical standards, such as plagiarism, data manipulation, or failure to disclose conflicts of interest, will result in serious consequences, including:
Immediate Rejection: Manuscripts found to violate ethical guidelines will be rejected immediately and will not proceed to peer review.
Retraction: Articles found to have ethical violations after publication will be retracted, and a retraction notice will be issued explaining the reason for retraction.
Permanent Ban: Authors found to repeatedly violate ethical standards may be permanently banned from submitting to Trends in Biosciences Research.
7. Appeals Process
If an author disagrees with an editorial decision (e.g., rejection or request for major revisions), they may submit an appeal to the editorial board. The editorial board will review the case and provide a final response within 10–15 business days. The appeal process will be handled by senior editors who were not involved in the initial review.
8. Policy Review
This Publication Ethics Policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure it remains aligned with best practices in academic publishing. Any significant changes to this policy will be communicated to authors, reviewers, and editors promptly.